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Welcome to CHICKEN TRAX!
Make yourself at home! This is YOUR site!

We designed this site for you...our past, present and future clients! And yes...our goal is to CONVINCE you that Chicken Trax is the best thing that could EVER happen to you and your talent!

The following information is detailed throughout this site, however...let us introduce you!

Our studio/production company is located within the Hilltop Studio's Complex in Nashville, TN! We can accomodate ALL of your recording needs. Chicken Trax works hard at pricing to fit not only your every need, but your wallet as well....

Please, come on in! Just like you were already here! CHECK US OUT!!
What our Clients have to say........
~~You did wonderful! You put the right feeling into each song. I thank God for your voice Julie. I thank God for Mike's talent as a musician and producer.You have always been straight with me! I feel like I have made two wonderful friends (whether I get rich or not). By the way...anyone needing help with their lyrics, SEND THEM HERE! How's that for a plug? Ha

Cindy Kester - Oklahoma

~~I love you, Chicken! You guys are the bomb!

Julie Jones - Nashville

~~You and Chicken are GREAT! All of your music is really cool! You have a wonderufl voice that will touch the hearts of all who listen. Thanks again!

Michael Lomuscio - Florida

We hope to have our CD duplication services up soon!

Sound samples! Creditials!
Mike Toppins Credits!! Click Here and search "Mike Toppins"

Listed at this site is SOME of Mike's credits. Not all are listed and we're working on updating our page at All music!

Click here for sound samples of Julie Huffman done at Chicken Trax!!

Currently, there are two songs and we're working on putting more! Thanks for your patience!


We can now accept payments through Paypal AND Billpoint!

The Pickin' Poultry
This is a picture of Julie Huffman and Mike "Chicken" Toppins. Gracious Investors and John Nicholson (owner of Hilltop) have helped make Chicken Trax a success! Mike and Julie are the business owners, producers, PLUS on!
E-mail CHICKEN TRAX! Click HERE and do it NOW! What are waiting for?